Irip support
Irip support

irip support irip support

A student may qualify for a Good Cause Exemption, which includes: Some students may receive an exemption from repeating 3 rd grade. Demonstrate grade level proficiency through a portfolio of work.Perform at grade-level in reading on an approved alternative assessment, or.Be less than one grade level behind in reading on the state assessment (M-STEP),.In order to transition to 4 th grade, students must: Documentation of school’s efforts to engage student’s and parents/guardians of the success of the interventions or any opinions on the student’s IRIP.Additional evidence-based reading intervention delivery from a teacher, coach, or volunteer with specialized reading training outside of student’s regular language arts class.Periodic monitoring and screening of student’s reading progress.Daily targeted small group or one-on-one reading intervention.More evidence-based reading instruction and intervention to the student than the student received in the previous school year.Evidenced-based reading instruction which has shown to improve reading achievement in one school year.School districts must include the following for 3 rd grade students who exhibit a reading deficiency as needed by an individual student: Documentation of school’s efforts to engage student’s, parents/guardians of the success of the interventions or any opinions on the student’s IRIP.“Read at Home” plans for parents that include training workshops.

irip support

These areas are: phonemic awareness (identifying and manipulating sounds in spoken words), phonics (how sounds and letters relate to each other), fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Reading intervention to include intensive development in 5 major reading components.Evidenced-based core reading instruction.Periodic screening and monitoring of student’s reading progress.In the programs for K-3 students who exhibit a reading deficiency, school districts may include:

Irip support